Pick one of the cards above. Consider your mood and the aesthetics of the card. Which suits you today?...
Now pick a stone. Which color speaks to you?
Scroll to reveal your fortune...
Ruby-Sun: The universe is presenting you with opportunities for success and now is the perfect time to assert yourself. Trust your own power and feel confident about pursuits in the near future. Whatever it is, you’ve got this!
Ruby-Stars: You are either about to start a new relationship or will experience a renewed sense of passion in your current relationship. You are surrounded with feelings of passion and love currently. Lucky you!
Topaz-Moon: You are anxious about your love life. Maybe the thought of taking things more seriously has entered your mind. Are you afraid to take things to the next level?
Topaz-Sun: You feel a sense of purpose and are content with where you’re at right now. Feel happy about your accomplishments and your place in the world.
Topaz-Stars: There are new opportunities presenting themselves to you, and you just have to notice them. Maybe it’s something new or seems out of your reach, but the universe will fill you with confidence to accomplish any new ventures.
Sapphire-Moon: Your morals will be challenged in the near future, putting you in a position where you must trust your intuition. What does your gut tell you? What do you believe in?
Sapphire-Sun: After recent challenges, you will feel a sense of enlightenment about your current situation. What new wisdom have you learned after facing your issues head on?
Sapphire-Stars: You are filled with new inspiration and an intense conviction to hone your skills. Now is a good time to continue work on a project or start a new hobby. The universe is filling you with creative energy right now. Go, go, go!